Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekend Recap!

I feel like a broken record sometimes, but weekends just seem to fly by for us! It's like I get off work on Friday and bam! Monday is here! I have to say though, our weekend was a perfect mix of friends, family, and couch naps! Pretty dang wonderful if you ask me! 

Friday night, on the way home from work I swung by my parents house to see our family dog, Meatball. It was her 15th Birthday, yes she is 15 years old! She's a black lab and has been our family favorite since I was a young teenager! I know we don't have much time with her left so I want to smother her with hugs and kisses. 

Andy got home at a reasonable time and we decided to go line dancing at our favorite country bar. We only stayed for a little bit because Andy had to work early Saturday, but it was so much fun. It was so nice to two-step with my favorite man and line dance my little heart out. 

Saturday, was lunch with mom and craft projects for the wedding. I am working on large mason jars turned into center pieces. So a part of that was spraying painting the mason jars to look silver/metal-ish looking. I thought they were going to turn out terrible, but Andy, my mom and myself thought they turned out alright. Stay tuned for "Crafts with Corrine" hahaha

Post crafts - Andy and I both just passed out on the couch for long naps. It was heavenly. 

Saturday night and for Superbowl Sunday, my bestss Skye and I decided to make shirts. Any excuse for us to dress up and we are on it! We took basic white shirts from Hobby Lobby (around $5) and some puffy paint, ribbon and whatever else we found and tada! Seattle Seahawks shirts...

I must preface this by saying, both her and I do not follow sports... our men do. But we love to participate. We rooted for Seattle to win the SuperBowl because a. My future father in law lives in Seattle and b. Pete Carroll coached USC football where I went to school!

Oh and of course I made a shirt for Andy, such a trooper! 

After the Super Bowl it rained! This is major for California right now. It was so nice to be warm in our house, curled up in a blanket, watching Breaking Bad (Andy and I just got into it) and hearing the rain outside. Perfect Sunday night if you ask me!

That's all loves!


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