Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekend Recap!

I will be honest, lately, the weekends have just been flying by... Wasn't it just Christmas and Thanksgiving like a few days ago? Or not...

Here we  the middle of January! Wedding stat check-in states that we have 7 months and 2 weeks till our wedding day! I have a feeling the next few months are going to fly by!

Friday - I ended going to dinner with my parents to a restaurant called Fish Camp (so delicious and one of my favorites!) It was so nice catching up with my parents while my fiance was at work. We missed him though!

Saturday - We ended waking up at a decent hour, went paddleboarding! I wanted to take pictures because it was so beautiful, but I didn't have faith in my skills enough to not drop my phone in the water. It was just beautiful out, mellow waters and sun shining! Great workout as well! Then we headed to run errands and swing by the mall. Picked up a few things and hung out with my mom and her friend in the food court for fro yo (they were shopping as well).

We headed home and I napped for a few hours. We ended up going to a concert for a band called The White Buffalo. They were really rustic folk kinda blues-y sounding... They record a lot of the songs for the tv show Sons of Anarchy.

This is The White Buffalo

Sunday, we ended up walking to get breakfast by our house and I attempted to make a Valentines Day wreath. I think it turned out alright. I liked the ombre ribbon that I used. This was actually the same wreath I used for fall but I just took off the fall colored flowers and replaced them with pink ones and tada! I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby, but had to settle on Michaels, due to Hobby Lobby being closed on Sundays. Boo! 

Then we headed to our friends house to watch the Chargers and Broncos game. It was fun, but by the end of the game, I was pooped and ready to head home. 

Sad day, the chargers lost, but it was still so much fun! 

Now off to tackle this Monday.... 


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